Saturday, October 12, 2013

It's Just a Football Game People....Chill Out

This week, Houston Texans Quarterback Matt Schaub was put in a terrifying situation where a fan rode around his home screaming obscenities at him in front of his family and snapping pictures of his home. Basically, because for two weeks in a row Mr. Schaib had really bad moments on the field. Throwing interceptions, not able to capitalize on scoring when the ball was in his possession, and a having a slurry of turn overs. Now I understand that in Football there is Team, City, and State Pride on the line because you want to have the bragging rights that your favorite team is the best beyond measure. But folks listen...It is just a Game...there are no lives on the line, where I know of, if the Texans lose all 16 games the world is not going to end, and if they win some and lose some, national disaster is not going to take place. Now Believe me, I know they pay these guys a lot of money to produce, and you want to see the production because you pay a lot of money to go to these games. But really, with every bit of sanity that there is in this world, to get so mad at a player because they suffered to loss, to where you go to the guys house to threaten him is just beyond Sad and Pathetic. It proves that you have no life if you allow a loss like this to affect you that much. You Need a Life, Seriously. Again, I know people take their football serious, but this situation right here is beyond taking it serious when it turns to down right life threatening. I don't know what else to say about this except I am so sorry as a fan of the game that this has happen. Sorry that Mr. Shaub had to endure this, that his family and his team had to endure this. That Houston and the state of Texas had to endure this as well. To all of you Fanatics...the next time your team has lost 2,3, maybe 4 in a row, it is ok to be upset, but not to the point of where you go and threaten anyone. Chill Out...Its just a Game.

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